105 minutes, (h.264 M4V/MP4 360p)
24p manual, 1.25 Gb for $19.99
Shugyou, in-depth training and study material. Including video and manual
The focus on this video is the basics of Rokushaku Bôjutsu (long staff), included is basic exercises such as Sanshin no Kata with the Bô vs Bô, Taihenjutsu-ukemi, rolling in all directions and using the long staff. The nine basic Kamae (body postures) is covered in detail. Kihon uchi waza, basic striking and thrusting with the staff is explained. Also all the basic Kihon Kata is taught.
This is a good DVD if you want to learn the basics behind the actual Kata techniques.
This download video also comes with a 24 page manual, 55 pictures as a compliment to your training. All the technique names with kanji and romaji, the techniques are briefly described with comments by Mats Hjelm.
We also put in 30 minutes extra “Gyokko-ryu Bojutsu“, filmed in Kaigôzan Dôjô late March 2005, using the Rokushaku-bô in short distance with Taijutsu feeling (Sanshin no kata, and Kihon Happô).
Note: The manual is in English, but the instructions on the DVD are in Swedish! with Swedish & English subtitles. The 24 page manual includes 55 pictures, descriptions and notes of the basics. All techniques with japanese kanji. The DVD is 110 minutes and only available in NTSC.
Recorded in Eskilstuna February 2005
About the instructor
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983, but it wasn’t until 1986 he had the opportunity to start training more seriously under a Shidôshi. He attends around 20 seminars, go to Japan 2-3 times every year. Since he started training he never had a training break. He takes his budo training very seriously! If you want to sponsor a seminar or course, please don’t hesitate to contact him. For more information see his web site
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