KAIGOZAN 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TAIKAI with 5 SHIHAN (Keiko30). Recorded at Kaigozan Dojo in Stockholm in September 2010.
- Mariette v.d. Vliet (Netherlands)
- Sveneric Bogsäter (Sweden/Netherlands)
- Holger Kunzmann (Germany)
- Lauri Jokinen (Finland)
- Mats Hjelm (Sweden).
They are all well known and respected teachers.
There is not much to say about this DVD, we trained and had fun. There was no particular theme for the whole seminar, the teachers taught everything from basics to more advanced techniques and feeling. They mostly taught Taijutsu, but also weapons such as the Katana, Tachi, Yari, Kusari-fundo.
The instructions is all in ENGLISH with Swedish, Finnish, German and Dutch accents It is 2 hours playing time.
Kaigozan Dojo has been in the same place in Sundbyberg, west of Stockholm in 20 years. And this is why the celebration, see you next anniversary!
There is also a bonus segment that we couldn’t fit on the original DVD, so we released it as a downloadable format… click here for the bonus video
Who is the Teachers
Use the search on this site or click on the names above, I’m sure you already know who they are…
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