DOWN UNDER 2017 with MATS HJELM was filmed in Australia in the middle of his #JapanTrip38.
The instructions on this film is in English. Each technique is demonstrated several times from all angles. The techniques are a mix of basics and new techniques from Japan trainings this year.
DOWN UNDER with MATS HJELM in Port Macquarie – October 14-15’th
MATS started the DOWN UNDER tour in Port Macquarie. On Saturday the training started with all three forms in Sanshin no kata, then moved on to Muto-dori. This years theme in Japan is Muto-dori and especially Shinken-shiraha-dome. Unarmed defence against knife or sword where you grab the blade.
- Gokei no kata (5 techniques)
- Gogyo no kata (5 techniques)
- Goshin no kata (5 techniques)
- Sanshin no kata with Kunai (5 techniques)
- Muto-dori and Taijutsu (many techniques)
On Sunday the training started with Ashirau with is techniques trapping his legs and take him down. Then he taught Taijutsu and Muto-dori against sword and knife. And finally he taught the five Jutte techniques from Kukishin-ryu.
- Ashirau (4 techniques and henka)
- Muto-dori and Taijutsu (many techniques)
- Jutte-jutsu (5 techniques)
This video is 62 minutes long.
DOWN UNDER with MATS HJELM in Newcastle – October 17’th
Next MATS continued the DOWN UNDER tour in Newcastle. Some of the people was at the seminar and requested more Ashirau techniques and Jutte techniques. A little Kunai was taught and also Muto-dori and Taijutsu.
This video 17 minutes long.
DOWN UNDER with MATS HJELM Sydney – October 18’th
Lastly MATS finished the DOWN UNDER tour in Sydney. Taijutsu and Muto-dori was taught at this extra training.
This video is 27 minutes long.
Title: DOWN UNDER 2017 with MATS HJELM
Instructors: Mats Hjelm
Theme: Sanshin no kata, Kunai, Jutte, Muto-dori
Recorded: Recorded in Port Macquarie, Newcastle and Sydney, Australian October 2017
Kind: Apple MPEG-4 movie
Size: 5 703 149 641 bytes (5,7 GB on disk)
Dimensions: 1280×720
Codecs: H.264, AAC, Photo – JPEG, QuickTime Text
Duration: 106 min
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