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Kaigousuru 3 – the third International Bujinkan Training Party with Pedro Fleitas in Sweden.

The theme of this year was Kukishin-ryu Taijutsu. Mr. Brooks “Bing” Ford who was a well known and respected 10’th Dan in Bujinkan passed away 88 years old sept. 24’th 1999. Mr. Ford’s favourite weapon was the Hanbo (short/walking staff). Pedro dedicated this seminar to Mr. Ford and taught a lot of Hanbo techniques. He also taught Taijutsu against one and several opponents, and Bojutsu. Mr. Fleitas is one of the best teachers in Bujinkan with an astounding flow and timing, here he is in top form.

Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden October 1999

The DVD is 160 minutes and available for purchase here. The download files are two files,
– Part 1 ; is from Saturday training.
– Part 2 ; is from Sunday training and the extra training on Friday.

Part 1 – 88 minutes, 615 Mb for $9.99

Part 2 – 65 minutes, 450 Mb for $9.99

Buy the full DVD, click here!

Sample clip from the video


About the instructors

Hehe… the Shi-tenno needs no introduction. Pedro, Arnaud, Peter and Sveneric are famous Shihan in the Bujinkan. See their own web sites for more information about them…
Shi-tenno web site

About the download

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About the author


The Bujinkan Kaigōzan dōjō web store provides DOWNLOAD VIDEOS and PRINT-ON-DEMAND BOOKS for everyone interested of Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu.

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