Kihon#06 KIHON SEMINAR #06 with HOLGER KUNZMANN (May 2011)

82 minutes, 579 Mb for $14.99

Only available as download

This 82 minute video is from a seminar Holger taught at the Kaigozan Dojo in April/May 2011. On this video he teaches the Bujinkan Dojo Budo Taijutsu fundamentals. If you know the fundamentals really well you can then start putting each sequence together and better understand the ryu-ha kata. Without a good foundation, you can never really do the kata correctly.

The clips is from the morning sessions each day and contains …

Junan-undo : Warm-up exercises, self massage, flexibility and body conditioning exercises and routines.

Kamae : Proper body postures and how to move, Sabaki.

Tsuki : Striking exercises.

Keri : Kicking exercises.

Ukenagashi : How to block strikes and kicks.

Nage : Throwing exercises.

And much more. For example, we added 20 minutes extra material of some henka techniques from the Keiko#31 Gyokko-ryu Kosshijutsu Geryaku DVD (extra material that we couldn”t fit on the DVD).

Sample clip


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The Bujinkan Kaigōzan dōjō web store provides DOWNLOAD VIDEOS and PRINT-ON-DEMAND BOOKS for everyone interested of Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu.

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