KIHON-HAPPO with HOLGER KUNZMANN (Kihon#02). + SANSHIN NO KATA. Sponsored and filmed by Bujinkan Kaigozan Dojo.
In February 2008 he came to visit us in Stockholm, Sweden to give a seminar on this years theme.
This video is from the extra training and first hours from the seminar where he taught Kihon-happo and Sanshin no kata.
Sanshin no Kata is said to be the roots of the tree in the Bujinkan Dojo’s system of Taijutsu. It is the techniques any beginner should learn first. Even experienced practitioners will keep polishing their Sanshin no Kata. It is that important.
Kihon-happo is the trunk and branches of the same tree. First there is the Kosshi-Kihon-Sanpo wich is three techniques where we block, strike and kick. Second there is the Toride-Kihon-Goho which is five grappling techniques. Together they are called Kihon-happo which is said to be the spine of all martial arts.
Title: Bujinkan Kihon #2
Instructors: Holger Kunzmann, Bujinkan Shihan
Theme: Kihon Happo ans Sanshin no Kata with the feeling of Togakure-ryu Ninpo
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden February 2008
140 Minutes playing time top quality
Language: English
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden February 2008
Who is Holger Kunzmann?
Holger’s main interest in Bujinkan is the basics. And he has become quite famous for his excellent taijutsu and very good knowledge and skill of the basics in Bujinkan.
Holger’s web site…
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