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Kaigousuru 7 – the seventh International Bujinkan Training Party with…

– Dean Rostohar
– Ed Martin
– Elias Krzywacki
– Lubos Pokorny
– Mariette v.d Vliet
– Mats Hjelm
– Sveneric Bogsäter
– Thomas Franzen

Theme was Koteki ryoda juppo sessho no jutsu, Kihon Happou, Kunai, Kyoketsusshoge and much more

Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden April 18-20’th 2003


Part 1 – 85 minutes, 600 Mb for $9.99

Part 2 – 65 minutes, 460 Mb for $9.99


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Elias taught Kihon Happou with Juppou Sesshou feeling. Dean talked about and taught basic principles in combat. Mats taught the Kunai Kata with help from Onni Koskinen and Ed. Thomas taught Taijutsu and Kunai. Ed taught ten breathing excercises and knife defense. Sveneric taught Bajutsu, Kunai and Sanshin no Kata. Lubos taught Kunai and Taijutsu. Michael Clysén taught Ten Ryaku no Maki techniques and Mariette did henka with the Kunai.

There was also a Q&A session, where the instructors talked about this years theme and much more.

Sample clip from the video


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The Bujinkan Kaigōzan dōjō web store provides DOWNLOAD VIDEOS and PRINT-ON-DEMAND BOOKS for everyone interested of Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu.

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