KERI-NI-TAISUKU-WAZA with MATS HJELM (Shugyou#02). This video and manual is from a course/seminar held in October 2003 in Kaigozan Dojo.
Shugyou, in-depth training and study material. Including video and manual
The video is 54 minutes and the first section covers 20 Keri Waza (kicking techniques) from the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu system.
The other section of this video covers 11 Keri ni taisuku waza counter techniques against kicking attacks from the Ten Ryaku no Maki.
The manual is in Swedish, the instructions on the DVD are in English! The Manual covers 20 basic kicking techniques, 11 counter techniques. The manual is 22 pages with 68 pictures.
Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden October 2003
Who is Mats Hjelm
Mats Hjelm started training in Bujinkan for the first time around 1983. In 1986 he moved to Stockholm and started training with a real Shidōshi. He met Hatsumi Sōke for the first time in Stockholm 1988. He attended around 20 seminars with Sōke and travelled to Japan 50 times. Mats takes his budo training very seriously, he never really had a longer break from training!
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